A Children’s Wonderland

Child Care in Monument

Date Night

A Children’s Wonderland

Child Care in Monument

Full-Time, Part-Time, Drop-in, Date Night

Child Care in Monument

Full-Time, Part-Time, Drop-in, Date Night

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  • Licensed Jackson Creek Family Child Care Center
  • USDA Food Program Participant
  • Preschool Curriculum
  • Grandma’s Love with Structured and Free Play
  • Colorado UPK Universal Preschool Provider

Francie Machovina A Childrens Wonderland daycare in Monument

Monthly Themes are Supported by the Following Learning Opportunities:

  • Literacy Center – Puppet Stage / Puppets, Story Time, and a Cozy Space with Books, etc.
  • Dramatic Play Center – Kitchen, Diner, Doctor’s Office, Grocery Store, Dress Ups, etc.
  • Building Center – Legos, Connects, Blocks, Train Tracks, etc.
  • Arts & Crafts Center – Themed Projects with Find Motor Tools
  • Sensory Center – Regularly Changed for New Experiences
  • Science Center – Scale, Magnets, Electronics, Interactive Anatomoy Center, etc.
  • Gross Motor Activities – Creative Movements, Outdoor Sports – Teacher led & Free Play
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